Accessibility Policy and Action Plan 2023 2026


  • NCUK is unique in UK higher education.
  • NCUK is a consortium of leading universities dedicated to giving international students guaranteed access to universities and helping students succeed when they get there.

  • NCUK qualifications are recognised by NCUK universities and by most others across the UK, including many in the Russell Group (UK’s Ivy League), and also by universities internationally.
  • Since 1987, NCUK has helped over 30,000 international students gain guaranteed access to leading UK universities.

International Foundation Year

The NCUK International Foundation Year (IFY)is designed with NCUK university partners to prepare international students for first year entry to undergraduate degree courses.

Its purpose is to help bridge the gap between a student’s local qualification and starting a university degree.

Students who successfully complete the IFY gain guaranteed access to thousands of degree courses at NCUK universities.

Why choose NCUK?

    • NCUK Guarantee – Students who pass their qualification are guaranteed a place at an NCUK university and can choose from thousands of degree courses.
    • NCUK recruits students from over 100+ nationalities each year:
      – 90% of NCUK students get into their first choice university
      – 80% of NCUK students achieve a first or second class degree at university


The College maintains a policy of equal access for all students, irrespective of their disability, subject to certain specific constraints of our site and buildings.

We strive to include all those students for whom our educational programmes are suitable, together with their families, from a range of backgrounds, cultures, ethnic and racial groups, religions and nationalities. This position is reinforced by our “Equal Opportunities Policy”, “Complaints’ Procedure” and “Anti-bullying Policy”.

Definition of Disability

The term “disability” is understood to refer to anyone who has a physical or mental impairment which has an effect on his/her ability to carry out normal everyday activities. This includes sensory impairment, mental illness, learning difficulties, dyslexia, diabetes, epilepsy and severe disfigurements.

Key Responsibilities

  • Not to discriminate against disabled students and visitors
  • To publish an Accessibility Plan based on a self-audit and to review it regularly

Admissions & Enrolment Procedures

The College welcomes students with disabilities, where appropriate facilities and provision are available, and invites such students to discuss their needs with the College. Admission to CTC is dependent upon academic ability* together with the ability to finance the cost of courses. Scholarships and bursaries are awarded to able and worthy students. All students are normally interviewed before entry.

* For UK students a minimum of 5 B-grades at GCSE is required for entry onto AS courses or evidence of suitability for entry onto GCSE courses. For overseas students, equivalent O-level or other examination results are required together with evidence of proficiency in EFL. Students whose first language is not English and who do not have evidence of proficiency must pass an EFL test set and marked by the College.

Teaching & Learning Provision

Teaching and learning take place in dedicated rooms with appropriate facilities and staff are subject specialists. Since groups are restricted in size (maximum 9 students), there is a great deal of scope for individual help and support. All students have a personal tutor whom they meet throughout their normal timetabled week. In this way any disablement can be sensibly and sensitively responded to. The College employs a full-time Head of Student Welfare who is available to all students.

An IEHP (Individual Education Health Care Plan) if required is written and implemented via the SEN Coordinator (currently, DSL) and outside agencies as required.

Examination Access

The College will try to ensure that all students have appropriate access arrangements for examinations by following the “Regulations and Guidance relating to candidates who are eligible for adjustments in Examinations” issued by the Joint Council for Qualifications. This may encompass special arrangements for candidates with physical disabilities, and extra time and the use of word processors for candidates with specific learning difficulties. Where possible these arrangements will be mirrored for internal examinations such as Test Periods.

Accommodation & Access

The College comprises an Edwardian villa (1902) together with additional later extensions and buildings, the whole occupying a hillside site. Access is via steps and accommodation is on many levels. Given the domestic nature of the original building, there is inadequate space for the construction of internal lifts and the walls and foundations are insufficiently load bearing for heavy duty metal structures. The D Block, the College’s most recent new building, takes account of disabled access and provides appropriate sanitary facilities, but remains only a part of the whole accommodation of the college.

When arranging visits, tours and interviews for prospective students and their families, we invite visitors to inform us of any special requirements due to disability and we undertake to fulfil those requirements where it is possible to do so.

Future planning, both for new buildings and modifications of current ones, will take account of the needs of students and visitors with physical difficulties and sensory impairments.

Auxiliary Aids & Services

In all educational services provided to students by the College there is equality for disabled and able-bodied. The main services include:
  • Accommodation provision
  • Careers & HE advice/information
  • Car parking
  • Classroom organisation
  • College arrangements for working with other agencies
  • College policies
  • Counselling & welfare
  • Curriculum design
  • Discipline & sanctions
  • Examinations & assessments
  • Extra-curricular & social arrangements
  • Grouping of students
  • Homework
  • Independent learning opportunities (e-learning)
  • Learning equipment, materials and facilities
  • Libraries & information centres
  • Overseas representation, testing & support
  • Preparation of students for tertiary education
  • Reporting to parents & guardians
  • Serving of meals
  • Teaching
  • Timetabling
  • Translation of documents
  • Trips & visits

Links with Specialist Support Agencies and Organisations

Via its staff and governing body [The Trust Council], the College has links with a range of local community organisations, including the Learning & Skills Council (London South & East), St John’s Ambulance, Christian Family Concern, Croydon Child Protection Committee and local churches. The College seeks actively to engage with outside organisations that have an interest in, or might support students and staff at the College.

Plan for the Future

By its nature CTC is both selective and self-selecting, the two main criteria being

1. The academic ability and potential of the student

2. The ability of the student’s sponsor to pay tuition fees*

However, no student will be treated less favourably with regard to entry by virtue of his/her disability, unless that disability has a direct negative bearing on his/her academic level and/or performance. *Scholarships are awarded to students who demonstrate high academic ability and bursaries to financially needy students who would otherwise not be able to attend the College or whose circumstances deteriorate during their course of study.

The current buildings prohibit unfettered access to wheelchairs and this will remain the case unless technological advances obviate the problems or until a time when radical re-building takes place.

Any new development will take account of disability legislation and will follow a policy of active equal access for all.

(Dr Drew, Principal)
Reviewed : August 2023
Next review : August 2024

Do you have any course inquiries?

CTC London will help you out.