CTC Policy on the Arrangements for the Supervision of Students

CTC Policy on the Arrangements for the Supervision of Students

  • NCUK is unique in UK higher education.
  • NCUK is a consortium of leading universities dedicated to giving international students guaranteed access to universities and helping students succeed when they get there.

  • NCUK qualifications are recognised by NCUK universities and by most others across the UK, including many in the Russell Group (UK’s Ivy League), and also by universities internationally.
  • Since 1987, NCUK has helped over 30,000 international students gain guaranteed access to leading UK universities.

International Foundation Year

The NCUK International Foundation Year (IFY)is designed with NCUK university partners to prepare international students for first year entry to undergraduate degree courses.

Its purpose is to help bridge the gap between a student’s local qualification and starting a university degree.

Students who successfully complete the IFY gain guaranteed access to thousands of degree courses at NCUK universities.

Why choose NCUK?

    • NCUK Guarantee – Students who pass their qualification are guaranteed a place at an NCUK university and can choose from thousands of degree courses.
    • NCUK recruits students from over 100+ nationalities each year:
      – 90% of NCUK students get into their first choice university
      – 80% of NCUK students achieve a first or second class degree at university

Although the vast majority of students at CTC are above compulsory school age, or indeed over 18 years of age and above, each academic year the College has a small cohort of Compulsory School Age (CSA) Pupils and this guidance specifically relates to this group.

Although the vast majority of students at CTC are above compulsory school age, or indeed over 18 years of age and above, each academic year the College has a small cohort of Compulsory School Age (CSA) Pupils and this guidance specifically relates to this group.

The Department of Education (DfE) issue the following guidance to schools

During the time pupils are in school, staff are under a legal duty to exercise ‘reasonable’ care to see that all pupils are kept safe. Over the years it has been established through a series of court cases that staff cannot be expected to keep a constant vigil over every pupil and that accidents will happen and pupils will occasionally abscond, even in the best-regulated schools.

What is important for schools is to be able to demonstrate that:
• They have had regard to the ages and capabilities of their pupils
• They have established a systematic approach to safety in the light of foreseeable risks
• School rules have been drawn up which seek to eliminate (or significantly reduce) anticipated risks, and these rules are known to all pupils
• All staff are aware of their supervisory responsibilities, both in lessons and when the pupils are out of class, and that staff are appropriately trained
• Risks are kept under review and rules and procedures changed as necessary, especially to meet the needs of particular pupils in particular circumstances.
• Where there has been an accident/incident which had not been foreseen, the risk of a repetition should be considered.

With this guidance in mind, the College has the following measures in place to safeguard the CSA students

• Students have a compulsory registration of their attendance taken every morning and every afternoon. This registration takes place at 08.55 and 13.40 in the library and is carried out by one of the Librarians. If the Librarian is absent for any reason arrangements will be made for the registration to be conducted by the welfare department.
• Students are not allowed to leave college premises without prior permission from their parent, guardian, hostess or member of college staff. We expect such off-site visits to be relatively infrequent and of a fairly urgent nature, i.e. visits to the bank, doctor, urgent personal shopping. Students will be asked to sign in and out of college with the welfare department on such occasions.
• Students will be required to be in college from their first timetabled lesson of the day until their last lesson, for example if their first lesson is at 10.00 am they do not need to register at 08.55 on that morning. Similarly, they will be able to leave college after their last lesson, this being the end of their school day.
• Copies of student timetables will be sent to UK parents/ guardians and host families, so that both college and home are aware of the student’s whereabouts. Parents can view current attendance and timetables through the Parent Portal of iSAMS.
• When students are not in timetabled lessons during the teaching day, i.e. excluding breaks and lunchtime, they are to be in the library where they will be supervised and their attendance monitored.
• If there are any changes to the student’s normal timetable, for example during mock or final examinations, we will contact the UK parents/ guardian or host family with the amended details.
• If a student is too unwell to attend college, or cannot attend for any other reason, the College must be informed by the UK parents/ guardian/ host family by 08.45 am at the latest on the first morning of any absence. There is a 24 hour answer phone on 020 8688 5284 / 7363 to make contacting us easier.

A letter outlining these arrangements is sent to the parent(s) /guardian/host family of all CSA students before the beginning of the academic year, which includes a tear off section to be signed and returned indicating parent(s)/guardian understand and will comply with these arrangements.

If the College is notified of the absence of a CSA student, this information is promptly entered in the computer so that all staff are aware of the reason for the absence.

Student attendance at supervised study periods in the library is recorded throughout the day by the Librarian and these sheets are returned daily to the Head of Student Welfare. If any student fails to arrive to sign in for the first registration without explanation, an urgent call is made home by the welfare department to establish the student’s whereabouts. A similar practice is observed at afternoon registration. All efforts are made to establish the whereabouts of any missing CSA student urgently when they are due to be on College premises.

If any lesson or test period has to be cancelled or moved for any reason, i.e. staff illness, special regard must be paid to any CSA students in the group. Lessons may only be moved with the permission of the Principal or member of the SLT in his absence and arrangements must be made for any CSA student to be either supervised, or allowed to return home if their parent, guardian or host family is informed in advance. Similarly if a CSA student has to be sent home unwell, they will not be allowed to leave the college premises until their parent, guardian or host family is aware of the situation. In the unlikely event of a CSA student needing to be taken to hospital in an emergency, a member of college staff will accompany the student until the parent, guardian or host family arrive and assume responsibility.

There is a rota for staff supervision covering lunch and break times throughout the academic year. Staff are on duty to ensure as far as possible that there is a visible staff presence around the building during these times and that there is some extra support and supervision for the CSA students, as necessary. This rota is placed on the notice board in the staffroom and is printed at the start of the academic year in September and when the timetable changes in January.

PMB/CD Reviewed: August 2023
Next Review: August 2024

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