Health and Safety Policy 2023 24
November 10, 2023 2023-11-14 10:32Health and Safety Policy 2023 24
Section A: General Statement of Health & Safety Policy
As council members of Cambridge Tutors College (CTC) we fully recognise our collective responsibility for providing, so far as is reasonably practicable, a safe and healthy college for all our employees, students, contractors, visitors (including parents) and others who could be affected by our activities. In our role as the employer, we attach high priority to ensuring that all the operations within the college environment, both educational and support, are delivered in an appropriate manner. The council members are committed to promoting the welfare of all in our community so that effective learning can take place. The College will comply with the provisions of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and all subsequent regulations, including those implementing EC Directives.
Day-to-day responsibility for the operation of health & safety at the college is vested with the Principal. However, as council members, we have specified that that the college should adopt the following framework for managing health & safety, which can be found detailed below.
The Senior Leadership Team (SLT), will take steps so far as are reasonably practicable to ensure that the workplace is a safe and healthy environment in which its employees, pupils, contractors and other persons affected by the College operations can work. SLT will make the necessary assessments, identify safety training and provide information and supervision for employees at all levels. It will consult on a regular basis with all employees/staff representatives about health & safety issues. It will provide the necessary safety devices and protective clothing, provided that a safer working environment cannot be achieved by any other means.
• The safe use, storage, handling and transport of articles and substances.
• The provision of adequate information, instruction, training and supervision for employees including temporary employees and contractors.
• The provision of safe machinery and equipment regularly maintained, including the operation and maintenance of plant and systems of work.
• The provision of a safe and healthy place of work, including access and egress to and from the premises, and adequate facilities and arrangements for the welfare of employees at work.
• Making adequate arrangement for the safeguarding arrangement of students.
• Consideration for the safety of pupils, parents, contractors and any others accessing the premises including those who hire or undertake leisure activities.
To achieve this, employees must:
• Obey all the safety rules and procedures, including the wearing of protective clothing and the use of protective devices if they are specified by the College risk assessments.
• Exercise their awareness, alertness, self-control and common sense at work.
• Report promptly to their department head or the Principal all hazards, potential hazards, defects in equipment and any shortcomings in the College’s work systems or procedures.
Policy Review
• Planning: The elimination of risks in the workplace by careful selection and design of facilities, equipment and processes, together with effective control measures and training for employees.
• Organisation: A review of the College’s organisation including changes to ensure that responsibilities for health and safety are clearly defined at all times to all employees at every level.
• Control: Ensuring that the safety requirements are implemented throughout the College by all employees and that training is regularly conducted in support of those standards.
• Monitoring and Review: Safety audits will be carried annually and a safety report completed. These documents will form the basis for monitoring and review, to ensure that a credible standard of health and safety is achieved.
• Health & Safety Management: The College’s Trust Council has overall responsibility for the implementation of the policy and will ensure that sufficient finance provision is made available to support the policy.
•Overall and final responsibility for health & safety in the company is that of The
Council of Cambridge Tutors Educational Trust Limited, as company directors.
• The Principal is responsible for this policy being carried out
• The Principal is responsible for day-to-day H&S management
• The Head of Welfare or Head of Marketing (as SLT members) are responsible (in that order) in the Principals absence
• The following employees are responsible for H&S in their areas:
All employees are responsible for co-operating with supervisors and managers to achieve a healthy and safe workplace and to take reasonable care of themselves and others.
Any potential hazard should be reported to a member of the Health & Safety Committee
which, in 2023-2024, comprises:
• Chris Drew (Chair)
• Paul Johnson (Support staff)
• Steve Chivers (Site Manager)
• Andrew Cook (Tutor)
• Patricia Brown (Welfare)
• Michael Gibson (Lab Tech)
Other responsibilities:
Chair of Council,
for and on behalf of the Council and Association of Cambridge Tutors Educational Trust Limited
Section B: General Arrangements
Accidents Location and quantity of first aid kits:
Other First Aid Kits available:
Minibus 1x passenger carrying vehicle kit (to comply with latest PCV regulations) Prep Lab 1 x travelling kit (to be carried by hand on field trips) 1 person Sports Bag 1 x standard first aid kit with additional materials specific for sports injuries, kit available from Mr Gibson
The contents of each first aid kit is checked once each academic term, replenished as necessary and new stocks are usually ordered on an annual basis. Stocks of first aid equipment in College are stored in the locking cupboards in A41.
Appointed persons responsible for boxes: Main building is Patricia Brown Laboratories is Michael Gibson
The College has a defibrillator located in Reception. The appliance is clearly signposted and available for anyone to use as needed. No training is necessary. The appliance is semi automatic, i.e. the machine gives clear guidance and instructions and advises when to shock or not shock the casualty. Battery check September 2023 CD
Slips and Trips
Qualified first aiders:
Procedure to Ensure Notification of Reportable Accidents
General Fire Safety
Advice and Consultancy
Health & Safety
Rose Court
2 Southwark Bridge
Tel: 0845 345 0055
Fax: 020 7556 2102
Helplines: 0845 408 9565 & 0870 154 5500
For accidents
For accidents Minor Injuries Unit (2-1Opm)
Parkway Health Centre
New Addington Tel 01689 808810 or
NHS 111 Service or
Croydon University Hospital
530 London Road, Croydon, Surrey CR7 7YE Tel: 020 8401 3000
Special Training: Hazardous jobs may need special training.
Contractors and Visitors
Laboratories | Michael Gibson |
General Areas | Steve Chivers/Paul Johnson use of safety equipment. |