Although the vast majority of students at CTC are above statutory school age, or indeed over 18 years of age and above, it makes good sense to be fully aware of the guidance contained in the Health And Safety Department of Education Publication – Advice on Legal Duties and Powers for Local Authorities, Head Teachers, Staff and Governing Bodies and the HSE Executive: School Trips and Outdoor Learning Activities Tackling the Health and Safety Myths.

These publications contain the legal requirements as well as common sense guidance which should be taken in account when planning and taking groups of students on educational visits.

Copies of these publications are kept:
• in the Health & Welfare Information file in the staffroom
• with the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Patricia Brown, in A42

Staff guidance on the CTC procedure to arrange trips can be found on the staff notice board and are attached here for easy reference. When planning an offsite activity, ask Patricia Brown for an information pack, which will contain all the information needed as well as risk assessment forms and some examples to help to complete these forms correctly.

When planning an educational visit it is advisable to ensure the following areas are covered:
1. Ensure the students know which staff will be responsible for the trip and advise the students that during such visits they are considered ambassadors for the College and we expect their behaviour to be exemplary at all times. In information to parents it is made clear that any student who is failing repeatedly to follow staff instructions, which may cause a danger to themselves, pose a risk to others, or cause significant disruption to the trip, that they may be removed from the trip with parents bearing any additional costs incurred.
2. Ensure the trip is properly planned; the risk assessments are proportionate, thorough and address all issues.
3. All parental consents have been received, current information on any special dietary or medical requirement is to hand and appropriate first aid is accessible as needed. Collate any medical / dietary information in good time so any additional requirements may be planned and prepared for in advance.
4. If the trip is part of an ongoing activity during College hours or part of a series of regular activities, it may be possible to obtain one parental consent form to cover all trips / visits in connection with the same activity.
5. The students are properly prepared for the trip and have all the relevant information.
6. Parents / guardians /host families have been informed and the parental consents give consent for emergency treatment if parents cannot be contacted.
7. Insurance provision must be suitable for the activity / trip.
8. Adequate safe transport must be included in the risk assessment
9. Recommended staff: pupil ratios are 1:15 – 20 for school year 7 and above (age 11+) for low risk activities. A higher student staff ratio may be needed for high risk activities or trips abroad.
10. Staff should be familiar with and refer to other CTC policies where necessary when escorting and supervising students on educational trips including First Aid Policy, Child Protection, Drugs and Substance Abuse, Medicines Storage and Handling, Use of Restraint etc..
11. Adventure Activities Using Licensed Providers: When planning an activity that will involve caving, climbing, trekking, skiing or water sports, staff must check the provider holds a licence as required by the Adventure Activities Licensing Regulations 2004
12. If the visit is abroad special care must be taken regarding non EU, (this is beginning to impact on UK students as well) students and their visas.
13. Enhanced DBS checks must be undertaken and cleared before any volunteer / helper participates in a residential activity.
14. Staff should use the CTC mobile phone 07397 560113 for planning and using on trips, available from the Head of Student Welfare and not give students their own personal mobile number unless an emergency arises on the trip when this course of action is deemed necessary and appropriate. If the trip is residential there must be a nominated person who acts as the home based contact. There should also be an emergency back-up (normally the Head of Student Welfare or other senior member of staff). If an emergency arises during the trip, during College hours the emergency number is the College on +44 (0)20 8688 5284/7363 or after hours (after 5.00pm) contact the Accommodation Officer- Mrs Susan Marlow: outside College hours 020 8657 6122 Emergency Mobile Number: 07397 560113 or the numbers or procedure specifically arranged and agreed in advance when planning your trip/activity. Staff on trips who receive a Government Emergency Alert (from Jan 2023) should inform the Principal or member of the SLT to confirm the nature of the emergency and appropriate action required.
15. In the event of a serious incident please contact the college immediately, especially before speaking with any press. The College will offer all the support as necessary to deal with a serious incident. In such an occurrence, it is extremely important that information comes into College immediately so that parents/ guardians/families can receive accurate information, appropriate updates and the prompt support and assistance as required.

Copies of an additional publication Promoting Safety with Young People – Health & Safety at School: School Trips (published by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents) is an extremely valuable resource and is also available to staff as above.

Tutors wishing to take the mobile phone on field trips or activities should notify the Head of Student Welfare, in advance to ensure it is fully charged. (07751 348899). The details of any trip are also to be placed on the staff notice board in advance. Students who will be absent from College in order to participate in organised activities are generally recorded as authorised absences and should be recorded as green in the computer system.

The paperwork concerning completed trips is retained in the Educational Trips file, located in A42. All staff are welcome to refer to this file in order to assist in the preparation of their activity. The Welfare Department is also happy to assist with advice on the paperwork for those students residing in the CTC Homestay system if necessary and applications for any offsite activity can be discussed informally with Patricia Brown before final submission.

Please note that final permission for any off site activity rests with the Principal, or Member of SLT in his absence and an application form and full risk assessment and for the activity must be submitted before any trip takes place.

Reviewed: August 2023
Next Review: August 2024

Health And Safety Department of Education Publication – Advice on Legal Duties and Powers for Local Authorities, Head Teachers, Staff and Governing Bodies June 2013
HSE Executive: School Trips and Outdoor Learning Activities Tackling the Health and Safety Myths.

Note: The amended Independent School Standards Regulations 2010, which came into effect from 1 January 2013, no longer require proprietors to have regard to specific guidance. However, the College has referred to the above guidance in formulating this policy.

Educational Trips and Outings

Guidance Sheet

September 2023

If you are planning a College activity or a trip off the College premises, in addition to CTC Policy On The Health And Safety Of Pupils On Educational Visits please read through the following guidance and procedure:

1. Take the form Application for the Approval of Educational Visit. (Available from Patricia Brown or from the Health & Welfare Information file in the staffroom)
Complete the form and return to the Principal, or Member of SLT, in his absence, for permission for the trip to proceed. This should be done if possible before the trip is notified to students.

2. When all the documents are ready, take the completed form and documents to the Principal or Member of SLT, in his absence, for final approval.

3. A risk assessment must be fully completed for all off site activities. A copy of a risk assessment – which has already been completed by Patricia Brown for a Disney Trip – is available in the Health & Welfare Information file as an example to help complete the risk assessment.

4. Parental Consent : An example of a letter to parents/guardians asking for permission for their son or daughter to join the trip is also in the Health & Welfare Information as guidance for staff who will need to obtain permission for those aged under 18 years. Remember that host families may also need to be informed if the activity is after college hours.

5. Give a copy of the completed documents to Patricia Brown to be kept in the Educational Trips file; you may retain the original for your own, or departmental, records.

6. Completed Trip On completion of the trip the Application for the Approval of Educational Visit form contains a feedback section to record any comments on the trip including both positive or negative observations.
Reviews of each trip and monitoring of procedures in place are extremely important in collating information for future visits. In the event of any incident occurring on a trip it is the responsibility of the lead supervisor of each trip to report accidents and ‘near accident’, sometimes known as ‘near misses’ to the Principal, or another Member of the SLT in his absence, on return to college. The details of any such occurrence must be included in the Application for the Approval of Educational Visit form along with other documents as necessary

7. If an emergency arises during the trip, during College hours the emergency number is the College on +44 (0)20 8688 5284/7363 or after hours (after 5.30pm) contact the Accommodation Officer Mrs Susan Marlow: outside College hours 07397 560113
Emergency Mobile Number: 07397 560113
or the numbers or procedure specifically arranged and agreed in advance when planning your trip/activity.

If the trip is residential there must be a nominated person who acts as the home based contact. There should also be an emergency back-up (normally the Head of Student Welfare or other senior member of staff).

In the event of a serious incident please contact the college immediately, especially before speaking with any press. The College will offer all the support as necessary to deal with a serious incident. In such an occurrence, it is extremely important that information comes into College immediately so that parents/ guardians/families can receive accurate information, appropriate updates and the prompt support and assistance as required.

8. CTC Policy on Health and Safety of Pupils on Educational Visits as well as copies of Health And Safety Department of Education Publication – Advice on Legal Duties and Powers for Local Authorities, Head Teachers, Staff and Governing Bodies and the HSE Executive : School Trips and Outdoor Learning Activities Tackling the Health and Safety Myths are available in the Health & Welfare information file located in the staffroom and should be referred to when planning any offsite trips.

Reviewed August 2023
Next review August 2024

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