Scholarship Examination
October 27, 2014 2014-10-27 15:32Scholarship Examination
CTC is able to offer both Scholarships and Bursaries each year to enable students to benefit from the outstanding education CTC provides. It is possible to be both a Scholar and have a Bursary award. The difference is outlined here.
These are awarded to students wishing to join our A Level programme in September 2015 and for academic excellence. A scholarship is awarded to a student who shows outstanding potential as shown in our scholarship process. We expect our academic scholars to be aiming for the very best Universities and almost certain to attain A/A* grades at A2.
Our scholarships may be worth up to 35% of the tuition fees.
The Scholarship Process
Each student must write a letter to the Principal applying for a scholarship and outlining the reasons why they feel they are scholarship material. This letter should be no more than one side of A4 in length.
Potential scholars must choose TWO subjects (e.g. Mathematics and Physics) to sit our scholarship papers here at CTC. Each scholarship paper will be one hour long. They will be challenging.
As part of the process, each scholarship candidate will be individually interviewed by a senior member of staff on the day of the scholarships examinations for up to fifteen minutes.
The results of the scholarship process will be communicated in writing to the candidate and their family within a week.
The deadline for receipt of an application is Monday 17th November at 5.00pm. Electronic applications should be sent to
Scholarship examinations will be sat at CTC on the morning of Saturday 22nd November 2014, starting at 9a.m. The process on this day will be finished by 12.30pm.
CTC is pleased to be able to offer bursarial help to a family who are eligible to receive a fee discount based on their ability to pay. Potentially bursaries may be worth up to 100% of the College’s tuition fees.
Parents wishing to obtain a bursary must complete the confidential form declaring their income and expenditure. This must be submitted to the Bursar/Principal at the time of their application to join the College, or at a point during the year if financial circumstances change. Please note that CTC has no endowments and so bursarial assistance may be limited.
The Principal and Bursar are always willing to have a personal discussion with any parent about bursarial assistance.