GCSE Modern Foreign Language
July 28, 2023 2024-09-27 10:10GCSE Modern Foreign Language
One year GCSE Course
EnglishMFL (French, Italian, Spanish)
What do we cover in the course?
Key syllabus elements
You will develop the ability to communicate at an intermediate level and acquire a host of transferable skills that will stand you in good stead in your future studies and career. You will also extend your knowledge of modern society of the country through topics such as food, holiday, family, etc. This will be achieved by developing:
- Understanding of the language in a variety of contexts
- knowledge of the language and language learning skills
- the ability to communicate effectively in the language
- awareness and understanding of countries and communities where the language is spoken.
How is it assessed?
Key assessment elements
Speaking and Writing
In Speaking and Writing, you and your teacher will choose when you will undertake your assessment, so you only do it when you are completely ready.
For the Speaking part, your teacher will assess you. You will need to carry out two activities from the following:
- an open interaction. This will be like a non-scripted role play and could relate to a transactional situation
- a discussion with your teacher about a photo or picture that you have brought in of something personal to you
- a short presentation about something that interests you.
For the Writing part, you will be assessed by Edexcel. You will carry out two pieces of writing, for example an article for a magazine, a web page, a blog, or a letter.
Listening and Reading
Listening and Reading are both assessed by exam papers in June. You can take either a Foundation tier or Higher tier paper in each skill.
In the Listening test, you will answer questions on recorded material from different topic areas.
Some material will be formal (for example a telephone message) and some informal (for example a conversation between friends).
In the Reading test, you will answer questions about short texts on different topics, for example text messages, advertisements and emails.
Key skills required